Florence House Care Home - Nursing, Care and Wellbeing in Reading, Berkshire
(0118) 959 0684
Our Team
All our staff undergo extensive training programmes, and their performance is constantly appraised and monitored. We also have activites co-ordinators who are committed to providing activities to stimulate and entertain.
Florence House
Meet our team
Our staff are on-hand to ensure that our residents enjoy the best quality of life.
Zyrieda Denning
Zyrieda is a qualified medical Doctor with many years past experience in the NHS. Having recognised the need for high quality, professional care and nursing for the elderly, she opened her first nursing home in April 2000. Zyrieda ensures a high quality of care in all her homes whilst providing comfortable homely decor, to provide a nursing home that is their home. Zyrieda has written and published a book about 5-a-day nutrition and is very keen to ensure delicious healthy meals, with choice and diversity.
Swarup Khadka
Swarup joined our care homes in 2010 and has a vast experience as business manager. He has Level 5 ICQ leadership and management and NVQ 5 in management and leadership as well as higher level apprenticeship in management and leadership. He has recently been promoted to Responsible Individual with Cqc and business regional manager across all 3 of our care homes.
Philosophy of Care
All residents shall be considered as individuals with their own special needs or wishes.
We regard all who live and work here as one large family.
All members respect each other’s privacy and dignity.
Staff shall use and develop their knowledge and skills to improve our residents’ well being, quality of life and give comfort to all.
It is our intent to be aware of each person’s holistic, emotional and spiritual needs and to make each feel secure and cherished.
We aim to see beyond the ailing body or mind, to the unique humanity, which we all share.
Carmelia Pimentel
Carmelia qualified as a registered nurse in 1999 with an immense experience in adult nursing, dementia care as well as nursing with dementia, spinal injury and palliative care. She is also very experienced in management and leadership promoting and maintaining a high-quality standard of care. Carmelia is a registered assessor and mentor ensuring quality training of all staff. She also worked as surgical and critical care nurse.
Chaziel Pimentel
Chaziel studied at University of Birmingham and Uppsala University. Chaziel has gained tremendous knowledge and experience in technology, sales and finance. Chaziel also has a passion for elderly care. She worked in various care home settings during her studies.
Belinda Fletcher
Belinda is a qualified registered nurse with years of experience in the healthcare industry and has a strong commitment to providing the highest standards of care in the community.
Sudha Shrestha
Sudha has been a registered nurse here in Reading since March 2008, previously she worked as a staff nurse in Nepal and UK. She is a qualified registered nurse with vast experience in nursing homes and hospitals.
Marcin Musial
Marcin has immense experience within the catering and hospitality industry ranging from restaurants, hotels, pubs, schools, hospitals, and events. He enjoys creating fresh, nutritional meals.
Eva Kacetlova
Eva has worked in care since 2009. She has done her NVQ 2, dementia care level 2 and the care certificate.
Sally Cowan
Sally started in March 2016, previously worked in a local doctor’s surgery for five years. Sally is also a qualified nurse.
“During my 3 years here I have been very happy, with much loving kindness and care shown by my carers and staff.”
“A family atmosphere. I cannot speak highly enough of the care home. One word – wonderful.”
“A Home to be praised. Everyone is so wonderfully kind. Nothing is too much trouble.”