Florence House Care Home - Nursing, Care and Wellbeing in Reading, Berkshire
(0118) 959 0684
CQC Accreditation
Florence Care Reading
TheCare Quality Commission(CQC) regulate a range of care providers across England who are involved in delivering personal care. This includes residential care, nursing homes and care agencies.
The CQC expect all regulated providers to comply with their Essential Standards for Quality and Safety. The CQC will then regularly inspect providers to ensure the service they deliver is safe, effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs and well-led.
Currently 64% of care service providers in England are registered with the CQC, who monitor and regulate care organisations to make sure they are continuing to meet national standards.
Care categories serviced
A care home is a place where personal care and accommodation are provided together. People may live in the service for short or long periods. For many people, it is their sole place of residence and so it becomes their home, although they do not legally own or rent it. Both the care that people receive and the premises are regulated. In addition, qualified nursing care is provided, to ensure that the full needs of the person using the service are met.
Inspection reports
We are proud of the quality of service we provide and invite you to have a look at our most recent inspection reports from the Care Quality Commission (CQC). The links below take you to the relevant page on the CQC website.
You can view our CQC accreditation on the CQC Official site here.
Come and look around
We will be happy to show you around and give you the chance to meet our team and chat to residents. Call us on (0118) 959 0684.
Book a respite stay
If you need a shorter stay, you can arrange a respite visit and relax or recover while using our facilities. Call us on (0118) 959 0684.